Job Interview Prep and Resources

求职过程中最关键的部分是正式面试. 的秘密 好的面试的关键在于准备和熟练的沟通. 你没有时间了 面试机会. 从你和面试官打招呼到你离开的那一刻, the impressions you create are irreversible. Making a formal, personal presentation 你的知识、技能和能力需要研究和实践.


一个结合了培训和练习的在线系统来帮助你提高面试 技巧和建立你的信心-从你的个人电脑.




美国职业发展协会可以帮助你准备面试. 你可以安排 在南导航进行模拟面试,可以拨打电话(251)460-6188与我们的工作人员联系 如果有任何问题.





Don't just show up for career fairs! Prepare before you go and get the most out of 的机会.





Interview Questions (Be prepared to answer)

  1. 你的长期职业目标是什么?何时以及为什么确立这些目标? and how are you preparing to achieve them?
  2. 你期望职业生涯中最重要的回报是什么?
  3. 你认为自己最大的优点和缺点是什么?
  4. How would you describe yourself?
  5. How would a colleague describe you?
  6. How has your college experience prepared you for a career?
  7. 我为什么要雇佣你?
  8. 你有什么资格使你认为你会成功?
  9. 描述上司和下属之间应该存在的关系.
  10. 哪两三个成就让你最满意?
  11. What led you to choose your major field of study?
  12. 你从参加课外活动中学到了什么?
  13. In what kind of work environment are you most comfortable?
  14. 描述你的兼职或暑期工作,并解释你从中学到了什么.
  15. 你毕业后理想的工作是什么?
  16. What do you know about our organization?
  17. 在你的工作中,哪两三件事对你来说是最重要的?
  18. 你用什么标准来评估未来的雇主?
  19. Do you have a geographical preference? and Why?
  20. 你会搬迁吗??
  21. 描述一个你遇到的主要问题以及你是如何处理的.

Questions you may want to ask

  1. Identify typical career paths based on past records.
  2. Please explain the evaluation and promotion process.
  3. 我正在面试的职位的员工保留率是多少?
  4. Describe the typical first year assignments.
  5. Tell me about your initial and future training programs.
  6. What are the challenging facets of the job?
  7. What are the organization’s plans for the future?
  8. What industry trends will occur in the company?
  9. What makes your firm different from its competitors?
  10. What are the organization’s strengths and weaknesses?
  11. 你如何描述你的组织的个性和管理风格?
  12. What are your expectations for new hires?
  13. 描述在部门整体结构中的职位.
  14. 在你的组织里,一个成功的人有什么特点?

时钟图标在一项对2000多名招聘经理的调查中,3%的人声称知道是否需要 they would hire someone within 90 seconds.

Statistics Show That First Impressions are Determined By:

  • 55% The way you dress, act, and walk through the door
  • 38% The quality of your voice, grammar, and confidence
  • 7% 你选择说的话

Things That Have an Impact on First Impressions

  • 70% 许多雇主声称他们不希望应聘者过于时尚或时髦
  • 65% 许多招聘经理表示,服装可能是两个相似候选人之间的决定性因素

Common Nonverbal Mistakes Made During Job Interviews

  • 67% 没有眼神交流
  • 47% Have little knowledge of the company
  • 38% 不笑
  • 33% 姿势不好
  • 33% 过于烦躁
  • 26% 握手软弱无力
  • 21% Play with their hair or touch their face
  • 21% Cross their arms over their chest
  • 9% 使用过多的手势

圆上的XTop 10 Most Common Interview Mistakes

    1. Over-explaining why you lost your last job
    2. Conveying that you're not over losing your last job
    3. Lacking humor, warmth or personality
    4. Not showing enough interest or enthusiasm
    5. Inadequate research about a potential employer
    6. Concentrating too much on what you want
    7. Trying to be all things to all people
    8. “临场”面试
    9. Failing to set yourself apart from other candidates
    10. 没有主动要求这份工作

问号4 Questions Most Likely to be Asked

    1. What was your experience like at...?
    2. Why do you want to work for us?
    3. What do you know about our company?
    4. Why did you leave your previous job?

复选标记4 Most Important 面试技巧

    1. 了解组织
    2. Have a specific position in mind that you'd like to fill
    3. Review your qualifications for the job
    4. Be ready to briefly describe related experience


  • 评估自己
    在你走进公司大门之前,先了解自己的长处和短处. 永远不要指望雇主 to tell you where you might fit in an organization; you should already know. Hint: 专注于自己的优势. 淡化弱点. You might cite your weakness as perfectionism, and have it perceived as a strength.
  • 阅读雇主资料
    你应该对公司的政策、就业机会、产品有一些了解 和服务. 寻找机会在面试中交流你所知道的.
  • 核实详情
    Find out the exact time and place of the interview. Arrive at least five minutes early. There is no excuse for being late -- ever! Learn the interviewer’s name, correct pronunciation, 以及他或她的头衔.


  • 推销自己
    举例说明你的个人素质和能力 past. Do not just answer the question. Try to address any underlying questions you 想一下雇主对你是否适合这份工作的看法.
  • 是积极的
    诚实和坦率会给人留下更好的印象. 如果招聘人员问 对于缺点,解释情况,而不是找借口或指责.
  • 非语言交流
    坐直会让你在整个面试过程中显得泰然自若和自信. What you wear communicates a message. 认为保守. 紧张的手和脚 分散注意力的.
  • 问有意义的问题
    What are the responsibilities of the job? 是否提供培训?? 进步有可能吗?? 这份工作需要出差吗? What individuals will I work with most? 工作表现如何? measured?


  • 跟进
    提供潜在雇主要求的证书、推荐信或成绩单 尽快. 一定要写下招聘人员的名字、头衔和地址. 你必须发送一封简短的打字感谢信,感谢这次面试机会.


  • Suit or tailored dress in navy or dark gray; no extreme slits
  • 抛光的,封闭的鞋头,中跟或低跟的基本鞋,没有磨损
  • Nails subtle, clean and medium to short
  • 化妆应该尽量少
  • Avoid lace and low-cut blouses
  • Choose between a briefcase or handbag
  • Simple and basic jewelry, one ring
  • 一定要穿袜子,并与鞋子和裙子搭配,以保持连贯性
  • 没有香水
  • 高质量的笔


  • Navy, dark gray, or pinstripe suit
  • Polished shoes with leather soles, no scuffed heels
  • Black or navy knee-high socks
  • 干净的指甲
  • 新发型
  • 保守的领带
  • 纯白衬衫
  • Avoid flashy cuff links, rings or neck chains, no earrings
  • One ring
  • 没有香水
  • Briefcase or portfolio and high-quality pen



Best Practices and 面试准备